This restaurant prints the dishes with a 3D printer!

This restaurant prints the dishes with a 3D printer!

The cook simply seems to be the essential person in a restaurant. And yet, it is now possible to go to an establishment without a chief! It’s replaced by… 3D printers!

This may sound surreal, and yet! Food Ink is the first world’s printing restaurant. It’s a travelling facility and it will notably pass through Rome and Paris. But how exactly does it work? First of all, this restaurant is equipped with ByFlow 3D culinary printers. The brand teamed up with the restaurant managers to carry out this project. The dishes are made with syringes containing food. The printer places the contents of these syringes one by one, layer by layer, on the plate. The dishes are previously programmed into the computer. This concept is totally innovative. But that’s not all!

The goal of this restaurant is to develop the customer’s interactive side. Thus, it is the customers themselves who print their dishes. But it doesn’t stop there! The decor itself is entirely printed in 3D. The utensils, furniture, decoration, everything has been designed using this famous printer. The menu contains nine dishes. However, the price is high. You will have to pay 300 euros to enjoy these unusual dishes. Food Ink in London justifies this high amount by the quality of the food and the innovative concept. If you can afford it, let yourself be tempted by this new experience!