The foods to eat to reduce risks of cancer

The foods to eat to reduce risks of cancer

Even though we don’t always know how, we try to do our best to avoid risks of cancer. One thing we can do, is look carefully at what we eat, because there are some food which can help us. Discover the 50 best foods which are known to help lower cancer risks.

1. Lentils

Legumes are great for health and our body. From all legumes, lentils have interesting benefits, they not only lower risks of stomach cancers, but they are also really good for our aerodigestive tract, that is the respiratory tract and the upper digestive tract combined.

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2. Navy Beans

Harvard researchers have proved that navy beans are extremely powerful against breast cancer. Even if women have more risks than men to develop this kind of cancer, it can be useful for both genders. Fibers in navy beans help reduce risks of breast cancer, because they reduce high levels of oestrogen in blood.


3. Green Peas

Vegetables are definitely worth a try. Green peas contain some of the best assets against cancer, it has properties which have been proved to reduce cancer. It should definitely be on your shopping list every week.

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4. Mushrooms

Mushrooms don’t only make good toppings on pizzas, they are also very healthy, and can avoid risks of breast cancer. A study proved that women whom were eating only 10 grams of mushrooms were two-third less likely to develop cancer breast than other women.

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5. Walnuts

Those nuts can make a great snack but they can do even more than that. They contain .a vitamin which can avoid an essential enzyme for cancer to grow. Walnuts also regulate oestrogen levels, and therefore help avoid breast cancer.

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6. Grapes

If you are more of a fruit person, grapes will be your best friend against cancer. Eating grapes regularly has been proved to be a good habit in order to fight cancer risks. All kinds of grapes can be helpful so you can add that to your shopping basket.


7. Tomatoes

We like tomatoes even more since we know their benefits against cancer. Lycopene is found in tomatoes, which is a carotenoid known for reducing cancer risks. It has impressive results against breast cancer and lowers risks to develop tumours of 22 percent.

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8. Whole grains

Whole grains are dieters’ favourite food, but they should be everyone’s. Not only do they reduce risks of cardiovascular disease, they also lower risks of cancer. This should be enough to convince you to use it everyday for your breakfast, whether it is with a porridge or with bread.

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9. Sweet Potatoes

You would win a lot by eating sweet potatoes. They are one of the biggest cancer’s ennemies. As they contain carotenoid, sweet potatoes can lower risk of breast cancers. The beta-carotene found in sweet potatoes can indeed regulate cell growth, repair and defence.


10. Broccolis

You may have a bad memory of it from your childhood, but broccolis actually are good for your health. They contain an anti-inflammatory called sulphoraphane which can stop cancer cells to develop. It is particularly efficient against breast cancer risks.

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11. Tea

Tea, and more specifically green tea, is known for being a great antioxydant for our body. But it has also properties which can help reduce risks of cancer and again, risks of breast cancer. This is all because of polyphenols contained in green tea.

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12. Salmon

We already know salmon contains a lot of omega-3, but something else to know is that omega-3 can help reduce risks of breast cancers. All fishes which contain omega-3 have been proved to be great fishes to eat in order to avoid developing metastasis.

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13. Olive Oil

Olive oil has always been found to be one of the best oils we could consume. It has a lot of benefits but one we should not underestimate is its power against cancer. Studies proves that consuming extra-virgin olive oil lowers risks of breast cancer of 68%.

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14. Eggs

Another food which can be interesting to add to someone’s diet in order to avoid breast cancer is eggs. Thanks to choline, this nutriment found in eggs, risks of breast cancers can be lowered. Good news are eggs can be found everywhere and eaten in a lot of different meals.


15. Spinach

Spinach has incredible properties against cancer. Two carotenoids are contained in spinach, called lutein and zeaxanthin. Lutein and zeaxanthin help reduce breast cancers risks. Vitamin B in spinach also is what helps lower risks of breast cancers.

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16. Peaches

Rich in phenolic compounds, peaches are excellent to reduce risks of cancer and again, risks of breast cancer. Phenolic helps eliminate cancer cells and stop them from spreading.

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17. Coffee

We usually hear how bad coffee can be for our health, and how much we need to avoid drinking too much of it. However, coffee happens to be efficient against breast cancer cells. This is most likely due to the antioxydants contained in the drink.

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18. Yogurt

Yogurt should not be underestimated. Make it one of your favourite desserts if you want to put all chances on your side to avoid cancer. Yogurt is known for lowering the risk of developing bladder cancer.

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19. Chickpeas

Chickpeas might be another interesting food to add to your diet. Eating it regularly will help avoid to be diagnosed with the first cancer in the world: breast cancer. It has been found that chickpeas contain anti-cancer agents.

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20. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is excellent to avoid cancer risks. Whereas most of food we find can help avoid one precise type of cancer, cauliflower is a killer of many cancers. Its glucosinolates help to avoid risk of breast, lung, colon, liver, and stomach cancers. It should enough to convince anyone to buy cauliflower.

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21. Carrots

Of course, since carotenoids is an expert in killing cancer cells, carrots are on the list, and probably the best to do the job. Thanks to its carotenoids, carrots can reduce risks of breast cancer by 18 to 28%, something that shouldn’t be neglected.

The Spruce

22. Flaxseeds

Falxseeds are not the food we eat the most, but we might be mistaken here. They help lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and prevent cancer risks, more specifically breast cancer. Flaxseeds can be used to flavour bread, yoghurts, cereals, or even desserts.

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23. Oranges

Don’t start thinking your morning orange juice is not good for your health, because it surely is. Oranges possess what we call chemopreventive properties, which a good enough reason to keep buying and eating oranges every day to avoid risks of cancer.


24. Strawberries

Strawberries are another fruit which is good to have in your kitchen. It is very rich in phenolic compounds, which can, like all foods which have phenolic compounds, keep cancerous cells from developing and spreading.

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25. Pecans

Nuts are definitely a good and healthy choice. Pecans contain polyphenol ellagic acid, which a strong weapon to battle all sorts of cancer. A handful of those nuts as a snack is always a good idea.

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26. Soy

Soy is best known for being the vegetarians’ best friend, but it has so much more to offer. Indeed, some researchers found that a soy-based diet can help reduce risk of breast cancer, lung cancer, and prostate cancer as well. You can easily consume soy in soy yoghurts or in a soy sauce.

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27. Cherries

So many fruits possess powerful properties against diseases. Among them are cherries, which not only help reduce risks of breast cancer, but can also help avoid chronic diseases.

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28. Blueberries

If cherries are not something you enjoy, you can always eat blueberries, another rich and powerful fruit against cancer. Blueberries are rich in anti-oxydants, and have been proved to have anti-cancer effect, because they keep cancer cells from developing.


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29. Bok Choy

Bok choy finds its origins in Asia, more specifically in China, and is part of the cruciferous family, just like cabbage and broccoli. Even if not that used in Occident, it is incredibly efficient against cancer. It can be eaten cooked or raw.

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30. Wine

Even if we stress about the fact that we shouldn’t drink too much alcohol, one drink of wine once in a while never killed anybody. Actually, it might be doing the opposite. Indeed, researchers found out that wine can prevent oesophageal cancer. This should reassure people about their occasional glass of wine.

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31. Garlic

Garlic can reinforce our immune system, thanks to its sulphuric components. It can therefore create a strong defence against cancer cells and lower the risk to develop tumours. Garlic has been proven to be particularly efficient against prostate, stomach and colon cancer.

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32. Citrus zest

Whether it is lemon, orange or grapefruit, citrus zest is excellent to fight risks of cancer. Adding citrus zest to meals is extremely efficient in order to reduce risks of skin cancer. It can also reduce the size of existing cancerous tumours.

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33. Goji berries

Gobi berries are known for being a big help with cancer. It contains geranium which is an anti cancer metalloid, but it also has antioxydants and proteins which can lower risks of cancer. Even during chemotherapy, we advice to eat goji berries to calm down the pain.

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34. Mackerel

Mackerel, just like salmon, is full of proteins and good for the heart and against cancer. Omega-3 et vitamin D found in mackerel are good for health but mostly against cancer and can reduce risks of developing different types of cancer.

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35. Cabbage

Cabbage is just as powerful as cauliflower. Indeed, it possesses indoles and isothiocyanates as well, and these are what helps fight cancer and reduce risks of developing tumours.


36. Artichokes

Against cancer, vegetables definitely are the answer, and if you couldn’t find your happiness in the previous ones, artichokes is another way to prevent the disease. Polyphenols contained in artichokes are indeed what can prevent breast cancer.

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37. Watermelon

As summer comes up, you might want to buy some watermelon, when you’ll hear how efficient it can be. Watermelon contains lycopene, a powerful antioxydant which protects cells and therefore protects you from cancer cells.


38. Butternut squash

Here is another food which is full of carotenoid, a big asset against cancer. If you weren’t convinced with carrots or sweet potatoes, butternut squash can also make sure cancer risks are as low as they can be.

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39. Chocolate

If you needed an excuse to eat some chocolate without feeling guilty, here it is. Flavonoids in cacao are a strong antioxydant which can avoid the development of tumours. The best chocolate to get to put all chances on your side would be dark chocolate.

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40. Papaya leaves

You might think you should keep all your attention on the fruit and get rid of the leaves, but they are actually the ones being an anti-cancer. Papaya leaves have the power to limit tumours growth and protect our immune system. The best way to take advantage of it is to make tea out of those leaves.

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41. Guava

In guava, everything is good and healthy. It has been found that guava’s leaves, bark and root extract can prevent melanoma cells from growing. Besides, it also contains carotenoids and antioxydants which both have great effects against cancer.

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42. Watercress

Watercress is another food to integrate to your diet if you want to avoid risks of cancer. It has a molecule keeping cancer cells from growing and developing. Watercress can be eaten as a soup, a salad, raw or cooked, although it is preferable to eat it raw so that it keeps all its properties.

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43. Turmeric

In this spice, there is curcumin, the antioxidant polyphenol best known for keeping cancer risks away, thanks to its chemopreventive properties. Anti-inflammatory curcumin can help deter breast cancer cell formation. You wouldn’t need more to start adding turmeric to all your meals.

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44. Persimmons

This Chinese fruit is not the one we eat the most, but considering all the properties it has, we should probably change that. Lycopene is found in great amount in persimmons, and we know every food with lycopene is the top food against cancer.

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45. Vitamin-D-fortified organic milk

Alongside with antioxydants, vitamin D is also what can considerably lower risks of cancer. A study found that vitamin D could lower risks of breast cancer by 50 percent, so it is no surprise that vitamin-D-fortified organic milk is recommended  to prevent cancer.

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46. Red Onion

Red onions have an antioxydant called quercetin, and not only does it keeps cancerous cells from being formed, but it also has the power to destroy the ones already existing. Quercetin is present in all kinds of onions, but it is in red onions that we have found the best results, especially against breast cancer.


47. Pomegranates

It is the ellagic acid in pomegranates that helps fight cancer. In fact, ellagic acid is able to stop the oestrogen production, which is what causes the production of cancerous cells. Pomegranates are also composed with antioxydants, something else that helps keep cancer away.

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48. Almonds

Almonds have been found to be particularly efficient against colon cancer. Because of its antioxydants, it can protect cells by helping with their renewal and limiting the growth of cancer cells.

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49. Arizona prickly pear cactus

This Moroccan fruit is not very common and we don’t eat much of it, yet, it has many benefits. Pear cactus can stop tumour growth, and a study also found that it has the power to make the pain from the disease disappear. Not a lot of research has been done yet, but it makes it an interesting fruit.

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50. Brazil nuts

Selenium and vitamin C in Brazil nuts are what makes of them a miraculous help against cancer. It regulates thyroid function and can even destroy cancerous cells. Brazil nuts have been found to be very efficient to fight pancreas cancer.

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