The secret tricks to get your macaroons right every time

The secret tricks to get your macaroons right every time

Today is the Day of the Macaroon! We know that it is not necessarily the easiest confectionery to make… So to mark the occasion, let us give you some key tricks to getting your macaroons right every time: so get baking!

The first tip that you need is to use older egg whites. Of course, don’t use eggs which are past their best before date, but we recommend that you don’t use very fresh eggs. If you do not have eggs which are a few days old, you could always take the eggs you are going to use out of the fridge the day before.

Another thing that is very important if you want to make pretty and delicious macaroons is to have the right equipment. The utensils you will need to make your macaroons are: accurate scales to get the measurements right, a spatula to help you fill your piping bag, electric beaters to make it easier for you, a sieve in order to achieve a smooth paste without any lumps, a baking sheet for when your macaroons are ready to be baked and last but not least you will of course need a piping bag and nozzle.

You should also know that to obtain an even paste without any air bubbles, you shouldn’t be afraid to beat it vigorously. Many people think that you shouldn’t break the egg whites, but this is not a problem for making a good macaroon base (also known as a ‘macaronnage’). So don’t be ginger about beating your egg whites before mixing them with the other ingredients in your mixer, that way you will avoid having unattractive air bubbles when you take them out of the oven.

Our fourth tip is to use a template to make your macaroons. The reason for this is that if you don’t use one, you might find yourself with different shapes of shells. To avoid this, before making the macaroons, draw templates on a sheet of paper, which you can then slide under your greaseproof paper: you will be able to see the desired size through the greaseproof paper. Don’t forget to remove the sheet of paper once you have made your macaroons and before putting them into the oven! If you want an even easier way, you can also buy silicone macaroon trays that already have a template.

Another tip to bear in mind in order to make the perfect macaroon: tap your baking tray against your work surface to get rid of any remaining air bubbles and also the little points that are left from piping the macaroons onto the tray. Once you have tapped your baking tray, allow your macaroons to “crust over” for about an hour, that involves letting them dry at room temperature.

And finally, the last tip you need to know in order to always make the perfect macaroon is to open the oven door regularly during the cooking time (we suggest you do this 2 or 3 times). Once the macaroons are cooked, leave them in the oven for a few minutes once it is turned off before taking them out, and then all that’s left do is admire your sublime macaroons!


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